Who provides other utility services for Lakefield residents?
Contact Information
PO Box 900, Lakefield, MN 56150
(p) 507-662-5457
(f) 507-662-5990
Email Police
What utilities are available from the City of Lakefield?
Lakefield Public Utilities provides residents with electricity, sewer and water. To sign up for these services contact city hall between the hours of 7:30 am and 4:30 pm. An advance payment is required.
Recycling services for the city are provided by Waste Management. Pickup is every other Friday. Schedules are available at City Hall and listed on SMBS television channel 70.
Special Programming of Public Access Channel 70 SMBS
- Sunday: Immanuel Lutheran Church Service at 12:30 pm and 7:00 pm
- Monday: Methodist Church Service at 10:00 am and 7:00 pm
- Tuesday: St. Paul Rost Lutheran Church at 6:30 pm
- Wednesday: Bethlehem Lutheran Church at 6:30 pm
- Thursday: Bethlehem Lutheran Church at 10:00 am; Immaunuel Lutheran Church at 7:00 pm
- Friday:
- Saturday:
When are dog license available?
All dogs older than 6 months must be licensed in the City of Lakefield. Licenses are available beginning November 1st. Cost of the license is $5 until February 28th, after that date the cost is $15. You must have current rabies vaccination records on file at City Hall to obtain your license.