The residents of Lakefield are protected and served by the Lakefield Police Department. The Lakefield Police Department consists of five sworn officers, including the Chief of Police, one patrol sergeant, one patrol officer, and two part-time patrol officers. In addition, the Jackson County Sheriffs Department dispatches for the Lakefield Police Department
Lakefield is located in the heart of Jackson County in southwest Minnesota. Lakefield is approximately two miles north of Interstate I-90 on Minnesota State Highway 86. The population of Lakefield is 1,721 and growing.
We strive to provide the finest law enforcement services available. The exchange of information is an essential ingredient to a successful partnership for the prevention of crime. By providing an opportunity to inform and enlighten the citizens of our community, we widen our partnerships and develop opportunities in keeping our commitment to improving the quality of life for the City of Lakefield.
Community members may need to contact the Lakefield Police Department (LPD) for various reasons: to get assistance in an emergency situation, to submit a crime tip, or perhaps to comment on Lakefield Police Department personnel that have provided exceptional service to them. This section includes information on the best ways to contact the LPD, depending on your particular situation.