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The City of Lakefield is pleased to announce it has received grant money from the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) to conduct a lead service line inventory, now required of all city water systems. A service line is the pipe connecting the water main to the interior plumbing of a building. While service lines are made of various materials such as copper or PVC, lead service lines were commonly used during the 1900s through the 1940s and may have been used up until they were banned in Minnesota on January 1, 1985. Over the course of the next few months, City staff will be working with SEH, the City’s selected engineer, to develop a lead service line inventory. This will involve documenting every service line’s material and location by reviewing historical records and giving residents the opportunity to either identify their own service line or allow City and SEH staff to inspect their service lines. There is no safe level of lead, and developing a lead service line inventory is the first step toward replacing any lead service lines in the City’s water system.
Residents will receive notice in the mail with next steps and information regarding service line identification options.
Thank you for participating in this important and necessary endeavor.